This is a short video on how to fully disable the traction control on a BMW E46 3 Series. Recently my DSC, ABS, and break light came on.

If these lights are on by default may indicate dirty wheel speed sensors or faulty ones, a malfunctioning steering position sensor and so forth. After my alignment, the warnings stuck around until I restarted for the third time. Put in key, wait 10 seconds, turn to position 1, wait 10 seconds, remove key, then start engine normally. Content on E46 … This describes the steps needed to reset/calibrate the steering angle on the ASC or DSC module in your E46 using a program called Tool32. New Sig, per Hitdog's request, it’s done and burning rubber. Come join the discussion about M performance, turbo kits, engine swaps, … dsc warning light on, bmw e46 - BMW 2004 3 Series question. I’ve been on this for a couple of days now with no result. Diagnostic results of DSC Light Just came back from the dealership and found that the RPM Speed/Rate Sensor is faulty. Come join the discussion about M performance, turbo kits, engine swaps, builds, modifications, classifieds, troubleshooting, maintenance, and more! This BMW ABS/DSC pump is a very common failure for the BMW 3-Series (E90), Z4, 1-series and M5 built between 20.